“Charm is deceptive, and beauty
is fleeting; but a woman who
fears the Lord is to
be praised.”

Proverbs 31:30

Modern Day Princess

Our BIble-based program focuses on mentoring and training young women. The curriculum guides a group of preteen and/or teenage girls to truly grasp their value as a "daughter of the King". Watch this video for more information and check out our Modern Day Princess page!


Our Mission

Our mission is to serve women of all ages by sharing the Word of God and what beauty truly means. Join us for a “Journey Towards True Beauty”!

Our Programs

We have four programs designed to bless, encourage, and uplift women: Modern-Day Princess, The Blessed Dress Program, Happy Feet Dance Ministry, and Bless Her Heart Teen Program.

Our Heart

Our heart is in mentoring young women to become the women God created them to be and putting them in leadership positions to grow their gifts.

Interested in attending one of our events?

We offer many fun events like mom and daughter teas and Moms in Prayer! Check out our Facebook page for upcoming events!

Our work is funded by generous donations

Beauty Fit for a Queen, Inc. is a local 501c3 nonprofit organization that was started in Highlands County. We rely on donations from people just like you to continue our programs.

Interested in serving or becoming a mentor?

God commands us to “serve one another in love” in Galatians 5:13. We were designed with the need to serve and grow.